Whether to get pitbull ears clipped?

Whether to get pitbull ears clipped?

There are many factors to consider before choosing a veterinarian to perform this procedure. The risks are great, including infection and damage to the puppy’s outer ear. Not to mention the trauma this type of surgery can cause, including behavioral problems and scarring. Erect ears are a major contributor to the negative stigma associated with Pitbull breeds. The pros and cons of this surgery are outlined below. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


There are many reasons for a pitbull’s ears to be longer than they are. The surgery itself can be painful, but it is usually done with anesthetic. Your dog may be kept overnight, or you may be able to take your pitbull home on the same day. Pain medication is prescribed to ease the discomfort. Your vet will also attach a plastic rack or foam support to your pitbull’s ears.

Before the procedure, your dog should be given a general anesthetic. It is essential to prevent complications from arising, since even the smallest cut can end up bleeding or causing phantom pain. You should also bring along someone who can watch your dog during the entire procedure to ensure the safety of your pitbull. Remember that any elective procedure is not without risk. Always make sure your dog has a designated driver or have at least two people in your car.


Pitbull ear cropping is a common practice among dog owners. Many believe that cropping the ears of the Pitbull breed will improve the dog’s hearing, but this has not been proven. Cropped Pitbull ears can also make the dog look more aggressive. Many Pitbull owners have tried to correct their dog’s floppy ears with surgery, but the results are often devastating. This procedure is also painful for the Pitbull, and there are many possible complications.

The procedure involves full anesthesia and must be performed by a licensed veterinarian. Once performed, the pinnas are cut to a specified length and bandages are placed around them for several days. After surgery, your Pitbull will need pain medication and follow-up visits. A cropped ear can lead to serious complications, so make sure you choose a veterinarian who has experience with this procedure. If you do not have a veterinarian, you can try looking for one online.

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Health benefits

If you have a pitbull, you may wonder whether you need to have his or her ears clipped. While this procedure is not harmful to the dog, it is a largely cosmetic procedure. However, it can have a number of benefits for your pitbull. Here are some benefits to getting your pitbull’s ears cropped. Read on to learn more about this procedure and whether it is right for your pet.

Pitties’ ear flaps are supplied with blood from branches of the superficial carotid artery. As a result, the tissue in these ear flaps is densely packed with hundreds of tiny blood vessels. Because of this, the ear flaps may bleed for a long period after the procedure. Afterwards, scabs will form. A pitbull puppy may also miss out on socialization during the process.


Aside from the fact that this particular breed is renowned for its love of attention, it is also known for its reputation of having its ears cropped. Ears cropping is a cosmetic procedure which leaves about 1/3 of the ear in place. This is most suitable for breeds that have flat heads. The show crop is the most common type of ear clipping, giving a proportionate look to the horns. Another type of ear cropping is the battle crop, which removes most of the outer ear and leaves a tiny stub, which is useless for purchase by other dogs.

Aside from the reputation of this procedure, it is also considered a medical procedure, and therefore requires general anesthesia. The veterinarian will first ensure that the Pitbull is in good health and is not allergic to the anesthesia. The vet will then make an incision in the ear, starting at the top and moving downwards. The skin is then stitched together, and a firm bandage is then placed over the head and ears.

Also read:

There are many factors to consider before choosing a veterinarian to perform this procedure. The risks are great, including infection and damage to the puppy’s outer ear. Not to mention the trauma this type of surgery can cause, including behavioral problems and scarring. Erect ears are a major contributor to the negative stigma associated with…

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